Saturday, June 16, 2007

Where will tomorrows leaders come from?

If you were born before 1960(ish), you should be able to understand the wacky thinking of our current politicians. They are, for the most part, from the hippie generation. A generation born to self indulgence, and "not giving a damn, but make it look so". Okay, they had their protests and they rallied around some godless banner, but for the most part they, as a generation, didn't care about anything but themselves. "Free love" (ie, sex anytime, anyplace with anyone) was the mantra of the day and engaged in at every between joints anyway.

They refused then, and still do, to take responsibility for anything they say, think, or do. The world revolves around them. God is to be ridiculed, not honored, and anyone "foolish" enough to believe in God must be silenced. The abortion laws came from these same people. Again, rather than accepting responsibility for their actions, they want to blame others and have a fast and easy way to side-step any consequence of their actions.

These are the ones in power now. The "don't trust anyone over 30" crowd.....all of whom are over 30 themselves, and now asking for our trust. How ironic.

The immediate future doesn't bode much better. Most of these hippies will have to fight for their power positions with the generations that followed them. These generations however, were mostly educated BY the the institution they took over first....the government school system. So where does that leave us? Mainly with an uneducated, ignorant, and wildly skewed idealized group with no basis in true history and generally poor abilities to think or communicate. Therefore, it is nearly guaranteed that they will repeat history because they didn't learn the real history to begin with.

For example. Most of the hippies would like you to believe that no war is justified, and all who fight in one are wrong. This most certainly applies to the Allied forces that won the victory of freedom they so dearly enjoy. They never got the idea that war is evil, but necessary in a world filled with evil. Had the world allowed the Nazi and Japanese to conquer all civilized nations, they would have no freedom now. Yet the hippies somehow believe that you can "talk out" your differences with everyone. A dangerous and stupid mistake. Yet, they have taught children for the last 30 years to use this tactic exclusively because America is bad for it's military use to preserve freedom.

So what will these up-and-coming leaders do? Exactly what they've been taught. They will folly on trying to "dialog" with deeply evil people that have no intention of 'dealing' with their enemies. They will give in, give up, and hand over everything in the hopes of coming to some peaceful resolution to world conflict. America, as we know it will cease to exists. The dream our forefathers fought and died for will be gone.

But wait, there may be some hope. A select few may have the ability to change things. Leaders --real leaders-- who have not only learned real truth, but have been taught to think for themselves. Where are these leaders? They are the home-schooled, the Catholic schooled, the private Christian schooled of the past decade. They are the ones given the torch of truth and goodness. They, for the most part, have not been polluted by the hippies and their non-responsibility mentality. These are the kids who have been taught how to think, and how to reason with wisdom. They are few, but they are well trained to overcome the masses.

Here is a small example. The following text was taken, verbatim, from a web site where the poster was asking for technical assistance. Please try and guess his age, country of origin, and education level.

"so u need ur private ip address translated into a human-readable name this is not new to me man and u have to do that using sites like i know that but i just got a new firewall and so i have to port forward now. ok so i am a hacker (i take pride in being a script kiddy) and the reason i need this server is for xss or css. but the 1 thing now matter how much i hear but it and i know about everything i donot know if u need a router to port forward. because with a router u need to open ports or else nobody other than urself can connect to other internet applications because ur unforwarded self is pluggin the port. but i know there is a function to open tcp and udp ports with windows firewall and i used to use it but microsoft hid the CENSORED from me and i'm sure thats what happened. so i cannot open the ports i need to so i bought a firewall that interacts with windows firewall and i'm gonna use it to open the ports because i have x2 and none of my domains work as websites. even the 1's i have registered with a dns."

Interesting. I contacted this person off-site and asked him a bit about his background. He is 20 years old. Born and raised in an affluent suburb of Chicago, and has a BA degree in business administration from the the Illinois State University system. He is unemployed and not seriously looking for work at the moment because he really just wants to "hack" most of the day.
Compare this to the high trend of home and private schooled children winning award after award in national spelling bees, math bees, science fairs, and the like. Universities are beginning to set aside special places for homeschool kids and actively seeking them out for recruitment. The whole concept of home-school has reached into the mass media and yet, as much as they'd like to discredit these children, home-schoolers and privately educated students consistently outscore and out achieve those educated in government schools.

So how will the left defend against a bright, well educated and honorable generation of leaders? They will try to make the position of leadership so horrible that none will want to accept that role for themselves. If you look at the clintons, the masters of personal deprivation, they have constructed an entire army of people to do nothing but destroy the lives and reputations of anyone who opposes them. Nothing is beneath them. Handing over America's freedom is an acceptable loss if it means not losing their own power.

As well, both of the mainstream parties will try to fight off an educated population by allowing tens of thousands of under-educated aliens into the country and hook them on the welfare roles. Their plan is to make as many people as possible dependent on them so they retain the power base and keep getting elected through a system they already loath. They fully understand that a poorly educated populace is easier to control. They hope they will be able to convince the majority to abandon the principles of our constitutional government so that they can retain power without regard to the will of the people. If nobody without their blessing can get into power, they will never loose it.

So it is up to us now to accomplish three goals. The first, to see to it that our basic belief in a Constitutional Government model is secured. This means that ALL of those opposed to supporting our Constitution must be removed from office. This includes most members of both parties. Those that remain must be held accountable to stay within the limits of power given to them under the constitution. These two things are done (currently) through the election process. It is time for people to abandon the notion that they need to choose the lesser of two evils and start electing good, moral, and decent people.

Second, those in office now must be forced to do what is right for the country. First and foremost this means protecting the boarders and deporting everyone who is here illegally. The people are not fooled by the current proposals to "secure" the boarders. Its just another appeasement intended to give the elected something to brag about at home when they haven't really done anything for the betterment of the nation at all.

Third, the educational system in this country needs to be abolished. ALL national programs dealing with education must be eliminated. The NEA -a lock, stock, and barrel hippie run organization- must be abandoned. Local governments, and the people who comprise those governments, are far more capable of educating their own populace. There is NOTHING that a federal government can do properly with respect to education so they must be forced to abandon all rights to it. There should be no "business" in the business of education. It does not take a "college educated" person to teach the basic tools of learning to young people.... home-schoolers prove this day in and day out. A teacher is one who has the gift and desire to teach and not politicize. Schools are about learning the basic tools for life....reading, writing, mathematics, history and science. Not how to have sex "safely", nor how to learn corrupted history and lies about our world's past. Religion is best keep at home unless the school is founded by, and supported by, like-minded groups of believers. However, this is not to suggest that religion should be absent from the public education system. On the contrary, religious freedoms and rights should be rigorously protected in these institutions. If a group of children what to hold a Bible study, they should be encouraged to do so. If others believe its their duty to pray 4 times a day, so be it, allow them that freedom, but school teachers are not the ones to look for to teach religious morality, but the school is a place to practice such learnings from the home.

I really don't know what our future holds. I fear that we are close to losing everything my mother and father fought for in WWII, and their parents in WWI, and past generations long gone. As the nation has prospered, we've allowed our children to become spoiled and shirk responsibility and its come home to roost. I do have a high hope though, that the few who've held close to moral truth will prevail, and the USA will remain the beacon of light in President Reagan's vision.